Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

Sammy was a pumpkin this year...that is what he wanted to be...and I have to say he was super cute!  He is a pro at treat or treating now, although, he thinks it is ok to just walk into folks houses and start exploring!  It was a little embarrassing!  He is a social little guy...I said I hoped he wasn't shy like I was as a kid...and boy did I get my wish!

                       Sammy and the sad faced jack-o-lantern that he and his daddy made together.

                                        His Grandma gave him a special treat that lights up.

                                                                       Double Pops


I thought I would include my eyeball belly in the Halloween post.  I wasn't about to paint directly on my belly...I don't think that would be appropriate for work, although a woman actually dressed up as a turd, complete with toliet seat and gross stuff smeared on her face...yeah, that was appropriate!  I thought I was going to barf just looking at her...it was disgusting!!!

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